Unanswered questions about Anthrax Outbreak in Uganda

By Editor and agencies

Anthrax outbreak was confirmed on 29th November 2023 in Kabira, Kasasa and Lwankoni sub-counties in Kyotera district.

According to the district surveillance team, Kyotera district anthrax possibly started in June 2023 on a farm in Kkyamayembe Sub-County following the consumption of meat of a dead cow. The victims presented with various signs including itchy rash, swelling and skin lesions. In early July, the first human death was reported and 24 animal deaths by October 31,2023. The consumption of meat of the dead animals continued and 3 humans developed signs of the disease.

On November 17th, 2023, Kyotera district surveillance team in partnership with Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) conducted an investigation in Kabira sub-county where the alerts were coming from. More samples were collected from several suspects, some of which tested positive leading to the national task force of the Ministry of Health to declare Anthrax outbreak in Kyotera a disaster, on the 29th of November 2023.

Cumulatively as of 3rd December: 25 suspects, 7 probable cases, 16 confirmed (with 13 fatalities) and 3 recoveries had been reported. The suspects were in the isolation facilities and the cases were in the treatment facility and some being managed under the home-based care program. Number of animal deaths rose to 50, however there is no information on the number of sick or suspected animals.

Kyotera district is located to the south of central Uganda region and borders Tanzania at Mutukula, a high-volume commercial boarder town and therefore if the disease was not controlled and maintained, it could have culminated to a regional spread. There was also a high probability of other cases not reported to health system.

Though the MoH had not yet informed on the type of anthrax being witnessed, WHO through a partners meeting indicated that some of the deaths could have been attributable to gastroenteric anthrax which has a higher case fatality rate (CFR).

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