Apostle Dr. Angella Musiimenta: Jesus Still Weeps, Says The Holly Spirit

On Palm Sunday, as Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept (Luke 19:21). Why did he weep during this triumphal entry? Jesus answers this question in verse 44—because Jerusalem missed its time of visitation. He came to his own but his own received him not (john 1:11).

No wonder, the same people who praised him on Palm Sunday handed him over for crucifixion on Good Friday! The same people chose to save Barabbas (the robber and murderer) and crucify the Messiah.  The same lips that sang hosanna to the king on Palm Sunday, shouted crucify Him, spitted on Him, and cursed Him on Good Friday. The same hands that waved the Palms to worship and praise Jesus on Palm Sunday bruised Him, nailed Him on the cross, and killed Him on Good Friday!

This Palm Sunday, the Spirit of God showed me Jesus weeping with a lot of tears running down his cheeks and wetting His white garment. When I asked why He was crying, the Holy Spirit then told me the following: Just like He wept during the Palm Sunday over Jerusalem’s sin, even now, Jesus still weeps—He weeps when people wave the palms to worship the King whose Lordship they have never believed in their hearts and confessed with their mouth.

As the scripture says, “whoever does not believe has already been condemned” (John 3:18). Jesus weeps when people worship and honor Him with their mouth but their hearts are not with Him, says the Holy Spirit. With this kind of lip service, people worship God in vain as described in Math 15:8-9, and He is against such a generation.

God wants people to worship Him not because of what He has done for them, but because of whom He is—whether or not He has done things for them, He deserves to be worshipped. This kind of worship requires a revelation of who God is, and it is the kind Jesus recommended in John 4:23; the one that is done in spirit and truth— led by the Holy Spirit as He reveals to the people knowledge of who God is.

Jesus still weeps when people worship Him with lives stained with sin, says the Spirit of God. Oh how I detest the raising of hands that are stained with bloodshed, sexual immorality, dishonesty, witches, idol worship, and all sorts of evil, says the Spirit of God. How I am upset by a generation that worships me with unclean lips; lips that have spoken falsehood, lips that eat and drink detestables, and tongues that mutter wickedness, says the Holy Spirit.

Even now, says the Holy Spirit, my people are choosing Barabbas over Jesus Christ my Son, says the Holy Spirit of God. People choose Barabbas every time they choose sin over righteousness; people choose Barabbas every time they use other names in prayer than the name of Jesus Christ my Son; people choose Barabbas every time they choose religion rather than salvation; my servants choose Barabbas every time they refrain from speaking my message of repentance and forgiveness but instead focus on preaching about prosperity; Barabbas is chosen when my servants manipulate the sheep I have entrusted to them, for their selfish gains, says the Spirit of God. Confess your sins on to me now, and save yourselves from my wrath, says the Lord God Almighty.

Apostle Prophetess Dr. Angella Musiimenta carries a hybrid of apostolic and prophetic anointing from the Spirit of God. Together with her husband Rtd. Capt. Aaron Mugaba, she leads Good News Nativity Ministries based in Uganda (Mbarara and Mitooma districts).

She became a servant of the Lord God Almighty after having an encounter with the Holy Spirit who commissioned her to become a voice of repentance and ignite the fire of righteousness, pull down satanic strongholds, decree the liberty of men in Christ Jesus, and reveal divine mysteries, not by power, nor by might, but by the Spirit of God.

Listen to some her messages on Voices TV:


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